EPISODE #263 – How Many F#*ks Can a Woodchuck F#*k if a Woodchuck Could F#*k Wood !!

In rhyme all is forgiven, but more of that later.

For some time now the Fuck-O-Meter has been pretty relaxed, some would say stagnant. Now personally that doesn’t bother me, but in an effort to bring this oft honed craft back to prominence, Richard and Peter decided to regale us all with the kind of oral gymnastics reserved for Paris Hilton after a game between the LA Raiders and the San Francisco 49ers – both teams of course. Be warned…

Via the extensive technology only the best in pseudo-stereo (sometimes called “mono”) can bring you, the terrestrial audience, and to a lesser extent those tuning in via the DRM-free were challenged by such thought provoking ideas as;

  • Where does Alexander Downer’s foot go when it’s not in his mouth?,
  • Did Dr Haneef become a doctor so he could train new orns in the art of “terror”?
  • Was it really necessary for Avril Lavigne to release a new CD?

Someone has to ask the hard questions, and when it comes down to it, journalists can’t (or won’t) so we will.

Hey Mr President again asked the hard questions about the US Presidential Race – this time we reflected on ourselves. No we’re not running for US President (but if Martin Sheen can win…) this time we looked at the Presidential-style campaign of our very own ray of light Kevin Rudd. So in essence, Hey Mr President Prime Minister took off! So Kevin’s in the running. Sure he’s a bit boring, overly managed, and has Wayne Swan hanging around like Nicole Ritchie at the Bolivian embassy – but he’s in the running, so he was given a chance in Pete’s spotlight. Pete has Kevin ’07 fever! He’s got a running nose, red eyes and feels the need to watch daytime TV – he’s sick i tell you!! So Kevin Rudd launches his new campaign on the net. Kevin ’07 it is, a US Presidential-style campaign driven by the internet and creating a fever pitch of excitement. From actual policies, to email updates, a call for people to enrol for voting, to merchandise, this cat is on the prowl! Little Johnny only has 100 days to live. Let the Countdown begin…
As you know all candidates in this section of the show are rated on 3 important criteria:
1] How many Social Networking Sites do you appear on – K-Rudd = 3.5
2] How much merchandise – K-Rudd = 3
3] How many ringtones – K-Rudd = 0, but he does have wallpaper, an email sig and mobile phone stuff…
Kevin ’07 is on track for a revolutionary win!


Meanwhile as the junta continues to grown on, APEC is coming Sydney’s way! Yay… oh dear!! The so called Ring of Steel has been erected, not too ironically just outside Alan Jones house. A Berlin Wall which will stand for 5 days to keep “bad people” from shopping – well what else would it be for? Not only that, but Sydney has bought a $60,000 super-soaker. That’s right, a water cannon. Looking forward to the footage of female police cadets being soaked with that going up on YouTube! If you need surgery and you won’t die without it, stay tuned because it’s been cancelled. All non-elective surgery is out. So Mr Downer, that little nip and tuck will have to wait! Plus at much extra cost, loud speakers will be installed throughout the CBD! Yes, Beijing and North Korea now have a Big Brother friend in Sydney. It’s time to go… Little Johnny!

There was something about Lindsay Lohan being the town bike – nothing new there – move on!!!

Now it was at this point i had to go, so the rest of the show was to be listened to and commented on – but alas… SOOOO, here’s my psychic synopsis:

  • Richard swore at least 4 more times,
  • Pete lost track of his material while Richard talked about something completely unrelated, but went somewhere after 10 minutes of confusion,
  • Sexually transmitted diseases were discussed, and everyone’s orientation was questioned,
  • Pete’s material turned up again, this time during Peaches, which ran out of time and the intro drowned them out,
  • I was blamed…

Not bad, huh?!!

Now as mentioned at the top of the hour, the Fuck-O-Meter went psycho:
Peter: 4
Richard: 11
Abe: 0
FuckOMeter 070807.JPG
Better lock of all those foreign doctors up!!

Abe Written by:

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